pursuing simplicity, creating humbly, loving furiously

Foot Print Penguins: A Lesson on Humility, Grace, and Service

Last week we studied penguins and the letter P. As part of our unit we did this foot print penguin craft.  As we worked on making our little craft the Lord began to show us He had so much more in store than just some cute Penguins.  Like the unwrapping of a beautiful gift, the Lord surprised us with a wonderful lesson on what it must have been like for Him to wash the feet of his disciples.  We talked about…

Our painted black feet being like the sin that so easily entangles…

How He gently washes those sins away and then just lets them run down the drain with the rest of the murky water….

That He was the King of Kings and humbled himself as a man and even more so to do the job of a servant…

Of how we can live this kind of servant hearted life…

And then I was able to share with them how Daddy washed Mommy’s feet before he asked me to marry him and what a powerful symbol it was in our life and how Daddy’s willingness to serve has built a legacy of love here under this roof and within these walls…

It refreshed our souls and gave us so much more than just a fun craft.  It was a beautiful picture of His grace, hidden within a simple craft, that we all got to see and participate in.

I would encourage you even if you are not doing anything related to penguins to do this simple craft without telling your kids about the deeper truth behind it in advance.  Like us, let the story unfold as you paint feet black, and wash with water, and rinse them new and clean again.  Have fun, laugh, and let the Lord show you the beauty of being a servant.

All you need for this is paper and some black paint.  I cut out the white shape of the penguin body according to the size of the feet.  We just glued that white part down over their foot prints and added eyes and a beak. And that is it.  SIMPLE. POWERFUL.  and FUN!


  1. brenda white

    so cute and such a good idea! i always forgot that Billy washed your feet. Such a beautiful things to do with our kids- and very simple which is great for me as I am still surrounded by bins and pins and all sorts of glues and ribbons and velcro etc, trying to figure out my headband holder. I am moving in the right direction though!:)

  2. Tulip

    Amazing and creative activity to teach humility. I love how you made this such a fun lesson. Thanks for sharing at Mom’s Library!

  3. Pingback: P is for Penguin: MFW unit 16 | Simply Home Blog

  4. Amanda

    I just adore penguins and learning about them. This week I posted 101+ activities and crafts to do with a penguin theme and included a link back to this post. It was sooo cute. I hope our readers stop by and visit your site! Thank you for inspiring others to craft, learn, and connect with their children.

    • admin

      Amanda, THANK YOU for including me! What a sweet thing! I WILL stop by and many blessings to you!

  5. Pingback: P is for Penguin: MFW unit 16 | Simply Home Blog

  6. Pingback: 101+ Penguin Activities and Penguin Crafts for Busy Parents and Teachers - The Educators' Spin On It (new)

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