pursuing simplicity, creating humbly, loving furiously

P is for Penguin: MFW unit 16

Well, I already posted about our foot print penguin craft over here, but I wanted to share the other fun things we did with our penguin unit.  This unit was a little crazy because we were planning Caleb’s 6th birthday party along with it, so there was lots to be done, but we managed to squeeze in a few additions to the My Father’s World curriculum.  We had a lot of fun studying all the polar animals and their habitat.

I Made an EDIBLE polar sensory experience for the kids. This was super easy and they ALL loved it. Here is what I used: water (with a drop of blue food coloring), ice, cool whip, a pinch of powdered sugar and a few light blue sprinkles. I topped it all with plastic polar animals that we already had. They played and ate and thought it was so COOL!


I can’t take credit for this one. Caleb snagged a to go container from our up-cycle bins and decorated it to make it a polar habitat for all his polar animals. He showed it to me after he had done it all. He is a crafty little guy, like mama like son!

Here it is on the inside.

I made these penguin cookies for dessert one day. Well, I didn’t bake them. I am in the middle of Jenny Craig and I just knew I couldn’t handle the smell of anything fresh-baked wafting through my kitchen. SO, I bought some regular old sugar cookies, tinted some chocolate frosting black and added eyes and a beak using candy.

OK, so they may look a little bit more like Elvis than penguins, but I did my best!

Here are our footprint penguins. You can see the full story of how these unfolded into a beautiful lesson on humility here.

Ok, I am catching up, my kangaroo post is next and then the police birthday party.  But for now, just me and my bed- night everyone.


  1. Amanda

    I just adore penguins and learning about them. This week I posted 101+ activities and crafts to do with a penguin theme and included a link back to this post. It was sooo cute. I hope our readers stop by and visit your site! Thank you for inspiring others to craft, learn, and connect with their children.

  2. Pingback: 101+ Penguin Activities and Penguin Crafts for Busy Parents and Teachers - The Educators' Spin On It (new)

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